OAF Hello World Example


Please refer to “3 Steps to setup jDeveloper for OAF Projects” If you haven’t setup your jDeveloper yet.

This article, “oaf hello world example” will help you learn how to Develop Hello world page OAF Page.

  1. Create new OA Workspace and Project
  2. Set Project properties
  3. Create Application
  4. Develop OAF Helloworld page
  5. Run OAF Page

1. Create New OA Workspace and Project

Right click on Applications node and select New OA Workspace

Give the workspace name and browse the directory name. All the files related to the Workspace will be saved in myprojects folder now.

Give the details as below to create a helloworld project.

Provide the connection details

DBC file : D:OAFjdevhomejdevdbc_filessecureVIS.dbc

E business suite Username/password

Responsibility: The given responsibility should be attached to the given user


2. Set Run Options in OA Project Setting

Select Oracle Applications > Run Options

Select OADeveloperMode and OADiagnostic, and move them to selected Options List


3. Create an Aplication Module


4. Create a Hello World Page

Page Layout region will be created automatically. Set the region properties as below.

Create a new region.


Set the region properties as below

Property Name Value
Region Style messageComponentLayout

Create new TextInput item to enter the text value.

Set the item properties as below

Property Name Value
Item Style messageTextInput
Prompt Name
Length 20

Create button layout region.

Set the item properties as below

Property Name Value
ID ButtonLayout

Create an Item GO Button

Select ButtonLayout > New > Item


Set the item properties as below

Property Name Value
Item Style submitButton

Save your work and Run the page

Add a Controller to the page.

MainRN -> Set New Controller

Add below coding part to the Controller file to display the text data on page.

public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);

if (pageContext.getParameter(“GO”) != null)


String userContent = pageContext.getParameter(“NameID”);

String message = “Hello, ” + userContent + “!”;

throw new OAException(message, OAException.INFORMATION);


5. Run OAF Page

Right click on page and click Run to run the page locally.

Page gets loaded as below

Enter a string in Name field and click Go

What ever you typed in Name field will appear as Information which is highlighted.
