Category: Forms

  • Forms Customization Steps and Registration Process

    Objectives: Forms Customization Overview Mandatory Form and Libraries Setting the Forms60_Path in Registry Develop the form using form builder tool Changes to be made in the Triggers and Program Units Transfering the fmb file from local system to Vision Instance Generating the fmx file on Vision Instance Registering the form in Oracle Apps Forms Customization…

  • Query_Find Form in Oracle Apps

    Steps To Develop a Query_Find Form in Oracle Apps Step 1: Open Template.fmb with form builder save it with another name(XXMZ_Query_Find.fmb)  and give the module name as XXMZ_QUERY_FIND. Step2 : Delete  BLOCKNAME from Window,Canvas and Data Block and delete DETAILBLOCK from Data Block. Step 3: Create window(DEPT_WINDOW) apply subclass information as WINDOW and give the…

  • Sub Functions In Oracle Applications

    Oracle apps sub functions Overview: There are two types of functions: form functions, and non-form functions. For clarity, we refer to a form function as a form, and a non-form function as a sub function, even though both are just instances of functions in the database. Oracle Applications aggregates several related business functions into a single…

  • Using CALL_FORM to invoke another form in Oracle Applications

      The following topics will be discussed in this article: Overview of CALL_FORM.(Instead of call_form, we use fnd_function.execute in oracle apps) Steps for Development of Calling Form(XXPO_VENDORS.fmb). Steps for Development of Called Form(XXPO_VENDOR_SITES.fmb). Called Form Registration in Oracle Applications 11i (XXPO_VENDOR_SITES.fmb). Calling Form Registration in Oracle Applications 11i(XXPO_VENDORS.fmb). 1. Overview of CALL_FORM: (In Oracle Applications, we…

  • JSP forms Customization in 11i & R12

      Overview: JSP allows the embedding of servlet code within HTML pages. As part of the Java technology family, JSP technology enables rapid development of Web-based applications that are platform independent. JSP technology separates the user interface from content generation, enabling designers to change the overall page layout without altering the underlying dynamic content. In…