Category: Sysadmin and AOL Scripts

  • Trace details for a concurrent request along with the log and output file location details

    Script to get Trace details for a concurrent request along with the log file and output file location details SELECT ‘Request id: ‘ || request_id, ‘Trace id: ‘ || oracle_process_id, ‘Trace Flag: ‘ || req.enable_trace, ‘Trace Name: ‘ || dest.VALUE || ‘/’ || LOWER (dbnm.VALUE) || ‘_ora_’ || oracle_process_id || ‘.trc’, ‘Prog. Name: ‘ ||…

  • Concurrent Program session details along with SQL Query

    Concurrent Program session details along with SQL Query SELECT sqlt.sql_text, sess.sid, sess.serial#, fcr.requested_start_date FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr , V$SQLTEXT sqlt , v$session sess WHERE fcr.request_id = :pRequestID AND fcr.phase_code = ‘R’ AND fcr.status_code = ‘R’ AND fcr.oracle_session_id = sess.audsid (+) AND sqlt.address = sess.sql_address ORDER BY sqlt.piece;

  • List Concurrent Programs using a specific valueset in its parameter list

    SELECT fcp.user_concurrent_program_name, fat.application_name, fdfc.column_seq_num Seq, fdfc.form_left_prompt “Parameter Name”, fdfc.enabled_flag Active FROM FND_DESCR_FLEX_COL_USAGE_VL fdfc , fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs , fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp , fnd_application_tl fat WHERE 1 =1 AND ffvs.flex_value_set_id = fdfc.flex_value_set_id and fdfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = ‘$SRS$.’||fcp.concurrent_program_name and fcp.application_id = fat.application_id and ffvs.flex_value_set_name = :p_valuesetname — Enter value set name –and fcp.user_concurrent_program_name = :p_conc_program_name — use this condition to…

  • List of users having access to specific responsibility

    Get the list of users who have access to a specific given responsibility SELECT fu.user_name, frt.responsibility_name, TO_CHAR(furg.start_date,’DD-MON-YYYY’) start_date, furg.end_date FROM fnd_user fu , fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furg , fnd_responsibility_vl frt WHERE fu.user_id = furg.user_id AND frt.responsibility_id = furg.responsibility_id AND frt.application_id = furg.responsibility_application_id AND NVL(furg.end_date,sysdate+1) > sysdate AND NVL(frt.end_date,sysdate +1) > sysdate AND NVL(fu.end_date,sysdate +1) > sysdate AND…

  • Get List of responsibilities assigned to a user

    Get List of responsibilities assigned to a user select fu.user_name, frt.responsibility_name, furg.start_date, furg.end_date from fnd_user fu , fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furg , fnd_responsibility_vl frt where fu.user_id = furg.user_id and frt.responsibility_id = furg.responsibility_id and frt.application_id = furg.responsibility_application_id and nvl(furg.end_date,sysdate+1) > sysdate and nvl(frt.end_date,sysdate +1) > sysdate and fu.user_name = :p_user_name –and fu.user_name = :p_userid; ;

  • Concurrent requests / programs executed by a specific user

    Get details of concurrent requests / programs that are executed by a specific user from a specific responsibility between certain dates. SELECT fcp.user_concurrent_program_name, fcr.request_id, fcr.request_date, fu.user_name Requested_By , fr.responsibility_name FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr , fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcp , fnd_user fu , fnd_responsibility_tl fr WHERE 1 =1 AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id AND fcr.requested_by = fu.user_id AND fcr.responsibility_id =…

  • Currently running concurrent program details along with user and responsibility

    Get details of concurrent requests which are running currently and also the script will provide details of who is running the request and from which responsibility SELECT fcp.user_concurrent_program_name, fcr.request_id, fcr.request_date, fu.user_name Requested_By , fr.responsibility_name, TO_CHAR(fcr.actual_start_date,’DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’) actual_start_date FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr , fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcp , fnd_user fu , fnd_responsibility_tl fr WHERE 1 =1 AND fcr.phase_code =’R’…

  • Concurrent Program Details: Name, Short name, Executable, Execution method, Trace

    Script to fetch the following details 1. Concurrent Program Name 2. Concurrent Program Short Name 3. Concurrent Program Application Name 4. Executable Name 5. Executable Short Name 6. Executable Application Name 7. Execution Method 8. Execution file Name 9. Enable Trace flag SELECT fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name , fcp.concurrent_program_name short_name , fat.application_name program_application_name , fet.executable_name , fat1.application_name executable_application_name…