Category: Interface

  • Auto Invoice interface Overview

    Auto Invoice Interface: This interface is used to import Customer invoices, Credit memos, Debit memos and On Account credits. Pre-requisites Setups required: Set of Books Code combinations Items Sales representatives Customers Sales Tax rate Payment Terms Transaction Types Freight Carriers FOB Batch Sources Accounting Rules Validations: A custom program has to be written to dump…

  • Inventory On-hand quantity Interface

    Interface Program: Launch the Transaction Manager through Interface Manager or explicitly call the API – INV_TXN_MANAGER_PUB.PROCESS_TRANSACTIONS () to launch a dedicated transaction worker to process them. The Transaction Manager picks up the rows to process based on the LOCK_FLAG, TRANSACTION_MODE, and PROCESS_FLAG. Only records with TRANSACTION_MODE of 3, LOCK_FLAG of ’2′, and PROCESS_FLAG of ’1′…

  • Item import (Item conversion)

    Overview: Item import program can be used to create new Inventory items or to update existing inventory items.  We can import items with all attributes information or use item templates to set attributes and import items linking with item template. Uses: Import New Inventory Items in Master Organization Assign Items to child Organization (Step1 has to be…

  • Interfaces and Conversions

    Overview: Oracle provides flexible tools in the form of Interface programs to import the master and transactional data like Customers, Invoices, and Sales Orders etc from external systems into Oracle Applications or to transfer the data from one module to another module. There are 2 types of interfaces: 1)Inbound Interface: will be used to upload…