Tag: concurrent program

  • Scheduling concurrent program in Oracle Apps

    Scheduling concurrent program in Oracle Apps: Many times you may want to run a concurrent program at a specific time on some specific days of a week. Remembering the schedule and submitting the programs manually may not be feasible all the times. Oracle E- Business suite conveniently let’s you schedule a program to run on…

  • API: Concurrent Program and Request Group related

    1) API to create concurrent program executable BEGIN fnd_program.executable( ‘Test User Executable’ –User Executable Name ,’System Administration’ –Application Name ,’TEST_SHORT_EXEC’ –Short Name ,’Test Executable Creation’ –Description ,’PL/SQL Stored Procedure’ –Execution Method ,’test_pkg.test_proc’ ,” — subroutine_name ,” –icon_name ,’US’ –language_code ,” –execution file path ); COMMIT; END; 2) API to create or register concurrent program for…

  • Email the output of a concurrent program as Attachment

    This article illustrates the steps to be followed to Email a concurrent program’s output. Write a procedure that will submit the concurrent program whose output has to be sent as an Email and once the program completes, send the output as Email using UTL_MAIL.send_attach_varchar2. Register this procedure as a concurrent program so that this program…