XLA: Delete event XLA_EVENTS
— Creted by Prudhvi </code> DECLARE p_event_source_info xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info; BEGIN p_event_source_info.source_application_id := NULL; –101 GL — 602 XLE p_event_source_info.application_id := 222; — AR p_event_source_info.legal_entity_id := 1234; p_event_source_info.ledger_id := 1; p_event_source_info.entity_type_code := ‘TRANSACTIONS’; p_event_source_info.transaction_number := NULL; p_event_source_info.source_id_int_1 := 1234; — Customer Transaction ID; p_event_source_info.source_id_int_2 := NULL; p_event_source_info.source_id_int_3 := NULL; p_event_source_info.source_id_int_4 := NULL; p_event_source_info.source_id_char_1 := NULL; p_event_source_info.source_id_char_2 :=…
DBMS_XMLSTORE: Insert, Update, Delete XML data
Overview: DBMS_XMLSTORE API / Package enables DML operations to be performed on relational tables using XML data. Steps to use DBMS_XMLSTORE: 1. Create a context handle by calling function DBMS_XMLSTORE.newContext and supplying it with the table name to use for the DML operations. For case sensitivity, double-quote (“) the string that is passed to the…