Send e mail through PL SQL code (UTL_SMTP, UTL_MAIL)
utl_smtp example: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE erpschools_send_email IS mailhost varchar2 (30) := ‘smtp.erpschools.com’; crlf varchar2(2)Â := CHR (13) || CHR (10); v_email varchar2(16000); message_1 LONG; mail_conn utl_smtp.connection; BEGIN mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection (mailhost, 25); utl_smtp.helo (mail_conn, mailhost); utl_smtp.mail (mail_conn, ‘sender@erpschools.com’); utl_smtp.rcpt (mail_conn, ‘receiver@erpschools.com’); message_1 := ‘From: Mr Sender < sender@erpschools.com >‘ || crlf || ‘Subject: Testing…
Email the output of a concurrent program as Attachment
This article illustrates the steps to be followed to Email a concurrent program’s output. Write a procedure that will submit the concurrent program whose output has to be sent as an Email and once the program completes, send the output as Email using UTL_MAIL.send_attach_varchar2. Register this procedure as a concurrent program so that this program…