1) API to create FND User
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BEGIN fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser ( x_user_name => ‘Operations’, x_owner => NULL, x_unencrypted_password =>’welcome1′, x_start_date => TO_DATE(’01-JAN-2000′), x_end_date => NULL, x_last_logon_date => NULL, x_description => ‘Operations User’, x_password_date => NULL, x_password_accesses_left => NULL, x_employee_id => NULL, x_email_address => NULL, x_fax => NULL, x_customer_id => NULL, x_supplier_id => NULL); COMMIT; END; |
2) API to add responsibilities to a user
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BEGIN fnd_user_pkg.addresp(username => ‘ABC’, resp_app => ‘SYSADMIN’, resp_key => ‘SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR’, security_group => ‘STANDARD’, description => NULL, start_date => TO_DATE(’01-JAN-2000′), end_date => NULL ); COMMIT; END; |
3) API to remove responsibilities from a user
–This script will end date the assignment of responsibility to user
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BEGIN fnd_user_pkg.delresp(username => ‘ABC’, resp_app => ‘SYSADMIN’, resp_key => ‘SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR’, security_group => ‘STANDARD’ ); COMMIT; END; |
4) API to change pasword
v_user_name varchar2(30):=upper(‘&Enter_User_Name’);
v_new_password varchar2(30):=’&Enter_New_Password’;
v_status boolean;
v_status:= fnd_user_pkg.ChangePassword (
username => v_user_name,
newpassword => v_new_password
if v_status =true then
dbms_output.put_line (‘The password reset successfully for the User:’||v_user_name);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Unable to reset password due to’||SQLCODE||’ ‘||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100));
END if;