Category: Sysadmin API

  • DBMS_JOB API Example

    DBMS_JOB API example to kill DB session of a concurrent request: The DBMS_JOB package schedules and manages jobs in the job queue. Main Procedures that will be used: DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT submits the job to the job queue. You must issue a COMMIT statement immediately after the statement. Parameters: job: Number of the job being run. what:…

  • API: DBMS_CRYPTO: encrypt and decrypt information

    To Encrypt or decrypt, we will need a key. This key will be stored in a table which can be accessed only by the authorized personnel. In the below examples, the key has been hardcoded. dbms_crypto example to encrypt information Declare l_key varchar2(2000) := ‘1234567890123456’; l_mod number := dbms_crypto.ENCRYPT_AES128 + dbms_crypto.CHAIN_CBC + dbms_crypto.PAD_PKCS5; l_enc raw…

  • DBMS_XMLSTORE: Insert, Update, Delete XML data

    Overview: DBMS_XMLSTORE API / Package enables DML operations to be performed on relational tables using XML data. Steps to use DBMS_XMLSTORE: 1. Create a context handle by calling function DBMS_XMLSTORE.newContext and supplying it with the table name to use for the DML operations. For case sensitivity, double-quote (“) the string that is passed to the…

  • API: FND_USER_PKG: Create User,reset Password and add Responsibilities

    1) API to create FND User BEGIN fnd_user_pkg.CreateUser ( x_user_name => ‘Operations’, x_owner => NULL, x_unencrypted_password =>’welcome1′, x_start_date => TO_DATE(’01-JAN-2000′), x_end_date => NULL, x_last_logon_date => NULL, x_description => ‘Operations User’, x_password_date => NULL, x_password_accesses_left => NULL, x_employee_id => NULL, x_email_address => NULL, x_fax => NULL, x_customer_id => NULL, x_supplier_id => NULL); COMMIT; END; 2) API…

  • API: Concurrent Program and Request Group related

    1) API to create concurrent program executable BEGIN fnd_program.executable( ‘Test User Executable’ –User Executable Name ,’System Administration’ –Application Name ,’TEST_SHORT_EXEC’ –Short Name ,’Test Executable Creation’ –Description ,’PL/SQL Stored Procedure’ –Execution Method ,’test_pkg.test_proc’ ,” — subroutine_name ,” –icon_name ,’US’ –language_code ,” –execution file path ); COMMIT; END; 2) API to create or register concurrent program for…